
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Dreadnought Teaser E3 2014 Trailer

It's an period of struggle and hardship - however for the mercenary, it is an age of plenty. Fortune favors the captain who fights beneath no flag. Who builds a popularity not on rank, but on grit and fortitude. The time has come to gather your bounty amid a galaxy in chaos. Load the missiles. Activate the shields. PREPARE TO INTERACT.

Dreadnought is an upcoming aerial armada action sport with a distinct sci-fi look and intense, tactical really feel. Gamers take command of massive capital ships in the sky inside the title’s core aggressive and cooperative multiplayer suite and its episodic, single-player, story-driven campaign. Distinguished by a spread of lessons, subclasses, and diverse development paths, each warship is a drive to be reckoned with, bristling with dynamic armaments and fully customizable to make your opponents crumble beneath the would possibly of your bow.

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